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Thursday 27 October 2011

How have people reconciled Nationalist and Non-Nationalist loyalties?

What is reconciling?
            Reconciling can be described as settling matters down and take out the contention between two things. In social words taking the contention out of two contending loyalties. Those loyalties can be Nationalist or Non-Nationalist.

What is the difference between Nationalist and Non-Nationalist?
           Nationalist Loyalties are the loyalties which are embedded in the notion of a nation. For example: Loyalties to your ethnic or civic nation. Non-Nationalist Loyalties are not embedded in the idea of a nation. For example: being loyal to your friends, family, sports team. However, it can be overlapped or can be argued that being loyal to friend is like being in a collective or some people call themselves a nation when they support a sport team. So, if there is singular loyalty it drops into Non-Nationalist category but if the there is a collective for one loyalty it falls in Nationalist category.



Now, How have people reconciled their Nationalist and Non-Nationalist Loyalties?
            Non- Nationalist and Nationalist Loyalties Reconciled: When Nationalist and Non-Nationalist loyalties compete there can be two options: Live with contending Loyalties or Choose one over another in a peaceful manner called reconciling. People may live with both loyalties because they might think that as individuals they can't make a difference. If people to prefer one loyalty over another it can lead to alienation, the feeling of being left out. However, people can find ways to include both Nationalist and Non-Nationalist Loyalties:
  • For example, some countries don't allow Sikh people to wear their ceremonial dagger in schools. However, In Canada Sikh people have the choice not to violate their religious loyalty and make both Nationalist and Non-Nationalist Loyalties coexist.
Ceremonial Dagger.
  •  In 1950s there was a lot of segregation in U.S against African Americans, in other words forced separation of racial groups. So they fought for sense of belonging. 8 teens were the first blacks to get in a high school in US but they treated very badly. After fighting and US not responding one of them named Minnijean Brown Trickey moved to Canada. This gave her the opportunity to fully reconcile her loyalties since Canada was more democratic at the time compared to US.
Minnijean Brown Trickey.  
  •  Reconciliation always works if someone tries. For example, after 911 attack a Muslim person was traveling and accidentally got deported to Syria and was tortured. His wife protested in Canada and her husband was not guilty and at last he freed and given 10.5 million dollars in compensation for his ordeal. Wife's name is Mazigh and her husband's name is Arar.


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